This week was BRUTAL! Everyone but me got sick and with realLY high feveRs , scary!

I was checking temps every 20 minutes, all 3 kids! We had a couple of 104's sneak up very quickly, so i was very on top of the stripping down, wiping with a tepid cloth, and the drinks of EVERY kind!!

Thank God for our little stove!!

Not much to do but stories and videos....

I thought homemaDe cinnamon rolls would help. It made the whole house smell cozy....

Darby read 4 Annette Mysteries...

I allowed them outside for 10 minutes just to see the pond frozen ( Max is OBSESSED with water of any kind).

And poOr max was hit the hardest. This is day 5 for him, today. I am trying to look at it like, I got to cuddle the kids that are sometimes too busy for a cuddle, even though I am emotionally and physically speNt!!