Daily Creativity
So whatever you do as a living, it can only help to add a bit of creativity to your day. My husband & I hear " someday we will write songs again", "someday" i will dance again", ect.... The perfect time may never come. Let's start now "SOMEDAY is TODAY"!!!!!
Commit to 5 minutes a day. That's it. Not too scary! Get a notebook, a fancy pen, & a spot in or by your house. Write for 5 min. a day. Forget abt. laundry, kids, work, ect. Start small. You can simply write how you feel abt. this exercise. Get it out. Dont worry abt. the end result, you're just getting in the habit which takes a couple of weeks to do. I will give you more ideas later. Today it's enough. You just started being a bit more of the person you want to "someday be"> CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!